AI Statistics
and Trends

A comprehensive list

AI Statistics and Trends

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries and businesses globally. From the content we create to the customers we acquire, AI has a role to play in almost every aspect of business operations today.

In fact, in 2024, AI has generated a staggering global revenue of $279 billion so far. But just how widespread is the AI technology, what sectors and departments are leveraging it or have it in the pipeline, and what does a future with AI implementation look like? Especially when you consider that 59% of businesses expect that their teams will be using AI daily by 2025.

Here are some comprehensive AI statistics that can help you discover the scope of AI, the level of AI implementation in different industries and departments, concerns and challenges, predictions, and more.

AI Stats by Department

HR and Recruitment:

  1. The global AI market for recruitment is predicted to reach $942.3 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period 2020 to 2030.
    Source: Elite Recruitments

  2. In a survey of HR leaders, 92% respondents said they planned to increase their use of AI in at least one HR area.
    Source: Eightfold AI
  1. 73% of employers prioritize hiring talent with AI skills and experience, but 75% admit they cannot find the talent they are looking for.
    Source: AWS

  2. 76% of HR leaders believe that their companies would lag behind if they didn’t adopt AI solutions in the next one or two years.
    Source: Gartner

  3. 68% of HR professionals believe that introducing AI to their business operations will remove unintentional bias.
  1. As per a 2023 report by Talent Board and Phenom, the use of AI-based screening tools can reduce resume reviewing time by 75%.
    Source: Phenom
  1. Also, 91% of business and HR leaders believed that optimizing hiring processes with AI and automation is instrumental in establishing a successful business in the long run.
    Source: Harvard Business Review

  2. 79% of recruiters expect AI to make hiring and firing decisions in the near future.
    Source: Tidio

  3. A McKinsey report suggests that hiring applications powered by AI improved hiring efficiency by 20%.
    Source: McKinsey
  1. 80% of companies utilizing AI for their interview-scheduling processes saved 36% of their time compared to those who performed these tasks manually.
    Source: Phenom

  2. 76% of HR leaders believe that if their company does not leverage AI solutions, such as GenAI, in the next one to two years, it will lag behind in its success levels compared to other organizations using AI.
    Source: Gartner

  3. 77% of HR professionals predict a scenario in which human intervention would no longer be required in recruitment.
    Source: Tidio

  4. 37% of HR leaders believe that lack of integration into existing systems is among the top challenges of adopting AI in HR.
    Source: Eightfold

  5. In a Mercer survey involving HR and talent acquisition leaders, 40% revealed that their companies used AI to source and interact with talented candidates for pipeline purposes. 28% of respondents reported to use AI to analyze talent acquisition data, while 28% said they used it to generate social posts.
    Source: Mercer
  1. 34% of HR leaders who participated in a Gartner benchmarking session held in January 2024 said that they were exploring the potential functions and prospects of GenAI.
    Source: Gartner

  2. However, although the potential of GenAI in HR is evident, only 28% of HR professionals are proactively working to implement it. 45% of respondents in the HR Trends Report 2024 by McLean and Company cited lack of tech budget as the challenge to implementing AI in HR. Skill gaps and poor tech infrastructure followed at 42% and 39%, respectively.
    Source: McLean & Co


  1. In the 2023 State of Sales Survey, 95% sales executives admitted that their company was using AI in sales at some level.
    Source: Salesloft

  2. Moreover, a whopping 97% agreed that it is important to engage with tech vendors who have an AI strategy in place.
    Source: Salesloft

  3. A report by Analytics Insight suggests that 80% of leaders in the retail sector expect to introduce automation in their processes by 2025.
    Source: Analytics Insight

  4. The retail market is likely to grow at a CAGR of 30% from 2023 to 2030.
    Source: GM Insights
  1. As of 2023 data, 52% sales professionals believed that AI tools were “very to somewhat important” in their daily roles.

  1. 70% of sales professionals admitted that AI tools increased their overall productivity at work, and 81% believed that AI saved them from mundane manual work tasks.
    Source: Hubspot

  2. 76% of sales professionals believe that AI helps with enhanced data handling and sharing.
    Source: Hubspot
  1. By 2025, 35% of CROs will utilize a centralized “GenAI Operations” team as part of their go-to-market organization.
    Source: Gartner
  1. In a survey by Amazon, many employers admitted that they would be willing to pay approximately 43% higher salary to staff proficient in leveraging AI for sales and marketing.
    Source: Amazon

  2. 73% of sales professionals believe that with AI, they are able to procure data insights that they would be unable to otherwise.
    Source: Hubspot

  3. Sales forecasts derived from AI can increase accuracy by 10% to 20%.
    Source: B2B Rocket

  4. About two out of five sales professionals are concerned that they will lose their job if they do not learn to use GenAI at work.
    Source: Salesforce

  5. 82% of sales professionals are likely to use GenAI to help with basic content creation, 74% for market data analysis, and 71% for automating personalized data communications.
    Source: Salesforce

Customer Service:

  1. McKinsey reports suggest that the capabilities of AI in customer service, such as extracting tangible insights from customer data, can boost customer service efficiency by up to 45%.
    Source: McKinsey
  2. 45% of consumers utilize AI to respond via emails and texts, while 43% leverage it to answer financial questions.
    Source: Forbes Advisor
  1. 68% of support teams who responded to an Intercom survey said that AI was directly influencing customer expectations.
    Source: Intercom

  1. 45% of the support teams surveyed reported to be using AI already, while 56% were more optimistic about AI at the time of the survey (2024) than they were a year ago.
    Source: Intercom

  2. Routing customer requests accounts for 29% of all AI applications in customer care. Feedback analysis and chatbot tools follow at 28% and 26%, respectively.
    Source: Hubspot

  3. Customer support chatbots are found to improve the digital journeys of 84% of users. 46% of these chatbots offer users a more personalized customer experience.
    Source: Hubspot

  4. Businesses using chatbots have witnessed a surge of 67% in sales.
    Source: Master of Code Global

  5. 79% of customer service professionals in a Master of Code survey believed that AI and automation tools were instrumental to their overall strategies.
    56% of these professionals belonged to the B2B sector, whereas 54% hailed from the B2C sphere.
    Source: Master of Code Global

  6. 48% of consumers responding to a Business Wire survey said that they would interact with AI more frequently if the customer experience would consequently become more seamless, convenient, and consistent.
    Source: Business Wire

  7. Around 1 in 4 consumers acknowledge AI’s ability to help brands with problem-solving and find useful customer-oriented solutions.
    Source: Business Wire

  8. At 42%, the Gen Z population is the generation that’s most comfortable interacting with chatbots before humans.
    Source: Business Wire

  9. However, approximately 9 out of 10 customers believe that they deserve to know whether they are interacting with AI or a human, and 4 of 5 say that humans must validate AI inputs.
    Source: Business Wire

  10. 58% of consumers believe they would like companies to clearly specify when they are using AI for customer service.
    Source: Business Wire

Content and marketing:

  1. 65% of businesses are able to ensure better SEO outcomes by using AI technology.
    Source: SEMRush

  2. In addition, 67% witnessed an improvement in content quality when they leveraged AI applications for content creation.
    Source: SEMRush

  3. As of 2023, 37% of employees in the advertising or marketing fields had used AI at work. This rate of AI usage in marketing surpassed that in other significant fields, including technology and consulting.

  4. Around 15% of Americans aged 18 to 44 found GenAI images posted on social media by influencers and advertisers highly appealing.
    Source: Statista
  1. Also, according to a 2022 global survey, 90% of marketing professionals across 35 countries were using AI tools to automate customer interactions. Jasper AI, Surfer SEO, Notion AI, and Originality AI are some other platforms that companies are leveraging for content and marketing.
    Source: Statista
  1. 44.4% of marketers have used AI for content production, as per the Hubspot State of AI report.
    Source: Hubspot

  2. 32% of marketers use AI in marketing for paid advertising and personalizing emails and offers.
    Source: Statista

  1. 55% of marketing professionals in the B2B sector use chatbots in their demand generation programs, to facilitate better understanding of their target audiences.
  1. 52% of marketing professionals leveraging AI tools in their programs said that increased speed and efficiency in processes and workflows was the major benefit of AI adoption.
    Source: Statista

  2. Over 80% of marketers across the world integrate AI in some form in their business processes.
    Source: Statista

  3. 14% of business leaders leverage GenAI regularly in marketing and sales.
    Source: McKinsey

  4. 61.4% of marketers have utilized AI for their marketing processes.
    Source: Influencer Marketing Hub
  5. 19.2% of marketing professionals spent over 40% of their marketing budget on campaigns driven by AI.Source: Influencer Marketing Hub

AI Challenges, Concerns, and Future

  1. 52% of employees responding to a survey expressed concern over AI likely replacing their jobs.
    Source: Mitre

  1. As per an Ipsos report, 67% of individuals worry that AI will be misused in policing and law enforcement, while 62% are concerned about its potential misuse by companies when making hiring decisions. Too little or too much federal government oversight in AI applications are also significant concerns (See figure X).
    Source: Ipsos

  1. 44% of respondents in a survey strongly believed that people will use AI to manipulate recruitment processes in companies, while 31% believed so to a certain extent.
    Source: Tidio

  2. Among the respondents, 80%, 78%, and 74% were worried about the technology being used for cyber attacks, identity thefts, and creation of deceptive political ads, respectively.
    Source: Tidio

  3. 47% of companies consider leveraging AI over hiring employees.

  4. 68% of non-users of AI belong to Gen X or Baby Boomers, which indicates the challenges of AI adoption among the older generations.
    Source: Salesforce

  5. 70% of respondents to a Salesforce survey—the “non-users” of AI—believed that they would use GenAI more if they had more knowledge of the technology.
    64% of respondents said they would use AI if it were safer and more secure.
    45% believed they’d leverage AI if it was integrated into the technology they already used.
    Source: Salesforce

  6. In an AI poll of experts and the general public by Elon University, 70% of expert respondents believed the impact of AI on wealth inequality would be largely negative. Moreover, loss of privacy due to AI was a top concern for experts and the masses, at 79% and 66%, respectively.
    Source: Elon University

  1. As per the CompTIA IT Industry Outlook 2024 report, only 22% of firms are actively integrating AI across business operations and tech products. While 45% of firms are still exploring AI, 33% have implemented it in a limited manner.
    High costs of implementation and upgrades could be one of the reasons for this limited or zero implementation.
  1. AI implementation has been quite minimal in certain industries. For example, the construction and retail sectors have an AI adoption rate of only about 4%.
    Source: Vention

Generative AI will have a transformational impact on the work professionals do and how it is done, but it will never replace the human element when advising clients and stakeholders. People have been, are, and will continue to be the number one asset in any business.
- Steve Hasker, CEO and President, Thomas Reuters

  1. On the bright side, nearly 52% of leaders and decision-makers in a survey reported to believe that ChatGPT and other such AI tools would never replace an employee’s role in their organizations.

  2. Corresponding to these studies, a Goldman Sachs report reveals that while AI is likely to replace about two-thirds of all occupations in the country, the technology is more likely to complement rather than substitute many of these jobs.
    Source: Goldman Sachs

  1. While there are apprehensions about security with AI, a Forbes Advisor survey suggests that 51% of businesses are actually turning to AI to deal with fraudulent activities and enforce cybersecurity.
    Source: Forbes Advisor

  2. And although many consumers are still apprehensive about the technology, 26% of consumers in a Cogito survey acknowledged that AI was misunderstood. Only 10% of respondents believed that it posed a threat to their jobs.
    Source: Cogito

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