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Cut the SaaS Team
Future of AI
October 23, 2023

Unveiling the Simplicity of AI: A Guided Journey Beyond The Hype

The discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) often veers towards its complex, enigmatic nature, confusing the vast majority yet drawing them in. At its core, AI is grounded in simple and intuitive mechanisms. The fear of the unknown can be overcome by relooking at AI as a tool that can transform businesses and individual careers, not as the bogeyman coming to take your job.

AI pathfinder Philipp Gerbert demystifies AI as a convoluted and mysterious tool for business on the TED@BCG stage, emphasizing that even individuals outside Silicon Valley can grasp and utilize AI effectively.

AI operates as an 'intuition machine', learning from experience and feedback, akin to a human navigating through unfamiliar territory. This learning mechanism, underpinned by incremental adjustments, forms the basis of AI's ability to solve complex problems.

As aptly put by Gerbert,

AI is an intuition machine... because if you think about it, you could define intuition as acting based on experience, and potentially having a hard time explaining yourself.

These are a few reasons why people need AI:

  1. Real-world Impact: Through examples like optimizing copper smelting operations and reducing energy costs at Google's data centers, AI demonstrates its potential for tangible benefits and cost savings. These real-world applications underline AI's effectiveness in rapidly processing and learning from vast amounts of data.
  2. Thinking Fast and Fast: Gerbert's narrative emphasizes AI's distinct advantage in both calculations and intuitive decisions, embodying a 'thinking fast and fast' model. For instance, AI's ability to rapidly process vast amounts of data and make informed decisions in real-time is exemplified in Google DeepMind's triumph in online poker, where quick, strategic decisions are crucial.
  3. Nurturing AI's Intelligence: The intelligence in AI isn't an off-the-shelf commodity but is nurtured through data training and feedback. Gerbert mentions a real-world example of a Korean copper smelter improving the purity of copper by training an AI with operational data, highlighting the practical utility and the necessity of nurturing AI with relevant data to derive actionable insights.
  4. A Shift in Operational Framework: Transitioning from centralized to decentralized application of AI, yet keeping learning centralized, drives effectiveness and scalability. This operational shift allows for more tailored solutions, enhancing customer experiences and business operations.
  5. Augmenting Human Capabilities: AI augments rather than replaces human capabilities, opening new horizons for career and business advancements. By moving from spectators to active participants in the AI realm, individuals and businesses can explore untapped opportunities and drive innovation.

Embracing AI's intuitive, simple core can propel individuals and businesses towards a future brimming with possibilities. As we transition from mere spectators to active actors in the AI world, the potential to explore new frontiers and drive innovation becomes boundless. By delving into these pivotal points, the veil of complexity surrounding AI lifts, offering a clear pathway towards harnessing its potential to drive innovation and solve real-world problems.

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